Professional and Cinematic
Wedding Videographers in Los Angeles
Industry-Leading Equipments
Our best wedding videography coverage provides cinematic, romantic and unique approach for your wedding day using state-of-art equipments, including RED® and Super 8mm Film Cameras. Each providing unique style to reflect vibe. Our goal is to create a film that lets you experience the moments each time you watch the video. Creative wedding videographers catering to your unique style and create memories for generations to come.
Cinematic Style Wedding Video
Our most popular style of wedding videography editing, which the highlight is produced by a combining of your choice of music and the vows or speeches recorded.
Pasadena Princess Wedding
Houdini Estate Wedding
Helipad Wedding
Oakridge Farmhouse Wedding
Storytelling Style Wedding Video
We also offer storytelling style of editing, which is more focus on the voices, speeches and interactions between the couple. This style of wedding highlight editing often feels more genuine.
Well-prepare for any situation, so you can enjoy the video
Multiple Cameras (RAW 8-10bit HDR10-HD) / 4-axis Gimbal / Post-processing / LUT Coloring / Aerial and Drone Coverage / Multiple HD Audio Recording / Noise Reduction / Your Choice Music / File Storage, Online Display / TV Streaming / Subtitle / Zoom (opt) / Live Broadcast (opt) / Same-Day Editing (opt) / Vertical Video Editing (opt) / RED® Komodo (opt) / Super 8mm Film (opt) / Spatial Video using Apple Vision Pro (coming soon)